Wednesday, December 31, 2014

12 Days of Cyrus: It Takes Two

This is a chronicle of my baby boy's first year of life. One post for every month. Missed the first one? You can read it here.

Month two brought very little change in the little man's life. He went to his first LSU basketball game and got loved on by his sister constantly. Harper barely spoke, but one word that she said as clear as day was, "Bubba!" It was a sweet time of learning how to be a family of four.

Thankfully, Cy (mostly) loved all the hugs.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

12 Days of Cyrus: ...One More Time

Perhaps you recall, or maybe not, that I did a series a while ago documenting my girl Harper's first year of life. I so enjoyed reliving that year through the posts that I thought I would do it again with my sonny boy.  So to recap, I'm going to post for every month of Cy's life. Please keep all hands and feet inside the car as we take a ride down memory lane.

Cyrus Andrew, like his sister, decided he'd had enough of the womb before his due date. He made his appearance just days after his dad came home from a trip and a week and half before we expected. The best way I can describe the first month is frozen. Now before you start singing, "Let it Go," in your head, I mean that it was a month of snow days! We spent the first two weeks cuddled in front of the fireplace to keep warm.  I didn't hate it. This is what it looked like.

I know I'm biased, but he was just the most delicious little boy. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

52 of 52

Christmas was sweet. Harper and Cy got to see everyone in their family and we celebrated Jesus coming near to us. Sadly, Christmas was also sick. Harper got it first then passed it to her brother who gave it to Dad. So our holiday was looked a lot like that and included rushing home to get to the doctor. 

And here's another one, just so you know that we did, in fact, celebrate Christmas. 

I can't believe this year is already over. Another December is fading, with the hope of a new year rising. Documenting our year was fun and, honestly, kept me from letting it all pass me by. I'm glad you came along for the ride and I hope you are, too! 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

51 of 52

This sweetness is brought to you by middle-of-the-night food poisoning. My kids have pretty much always been great sleepers and hardly get sick. So this was a double whammy, but I will never complain about snuggling this face.

All boy, this one. Fearless, reckless, funny, and compassionate. I love everything about him. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

50 of 52

Ice cream is serious business for Harper. Dessert is the best part of any meal for her. 

Little brother life means you don't always know what's going on your head. In this case, it's a play kitchen skillet. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

49 of 52

Christmas has come to the Griffin house! Harper loved decorating the tree with us (and Cy loves un-decorating the tree...)
She, however, did not love the lighting of the big Christmas tree downtown. See instagram for proof. 

Cy also loves selfies. I mean, who wouldn't want to look at that face? 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

48 of 52

This girl is a double portion of joy. Just as God spoke before she joined our world. She loves new things and can make everything fun! 

Cy wants to do everything his big sis does. Well, he mostly wants to eat and drink everything she's eating or drinking. Thankfully, she loves to share ;)

Christmas is coming to the blog next week! So don't be a stranger! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

47 of 52

This is happening for real this time. If you're ever unsure about God doing miracles in your life, think about this. You were potty trained and your mother let you live to tell about it. 

Baller. He's not sure, but we are.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

46 of 52

"Take a picher Harper." Followed by "cheeeese." This is becoming more of a common conversation. Though we obviously need to work on the cheese-face. 

This guy is big and getting faster by the day. I turn my back for a second and he's in the other room (eating dog food)... Life with a crawler.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

45 of 52

This is Harper enjoying a mani/pedi with Dad. I have to say, for a manly man, Jake does a pretty good job painting nails. And his girls will always know how treasured they are because he does girly things just to be with them. 

Cy made 10 months on Monday. I'm kind of reeling that 1) he's almost a year old and 2) he is about to experience his first Christmas. Time. Slow. Down. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

44 of 52

A blurry ballerina and a content climber. 

Halloween brought fun and just a little candy (thankfully for us, but probably not Harper). 

Little man is everywhere these days, but still loves to snuggle his mama. And that is a very good thing.  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

43 of 52

Smiles for days around here. I'm not sure when Harper became a little girl, but, alas, she is not a baby anymore.

But I do have this smiley baby boy, so I can deal. I guess...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

42 of 52

Harper, in true "Miss Independent" form, is trying to potty train herself. I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering where she learned to bring reading material with her...

Cy is never happier than when he's given a bowl of peas to inhale. It's the simple things in life, you know. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

41 of 52

Our family visit to the pumpkin patch yielded much delight and two tiny pumpkins. 

Harper, as usual, did not want to pose for pictures. So Cy became our model and he obviously has a knack for it. 

Happy Fall everyone! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

40 of 52

Jake was out of town last week, so these pictures represent my sanity. Good friends taking the bed head beauty for breakfast and baths. But we were all glad when Jake came back! 

Monday, September 29, 2014

39 of 52

"Fall" days at the park are the best! Swings, slides, and very little sweating. A winning combination, in our opinion.

Cy discovers his reflection in the oven. Waving and excitement ensues. He knows he's cute. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

38 of 52

My brave girl. She walked into a room of bounces houses and picked the biggest one to try first. I love that about her.

My boy is a clapping fool. It was his new favorite skill until he started pulling up on everything...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

37 of 52

Last week Jake had the smart idea to get a bicycle with a seat for the kids. And Harper could not be more thankful. She loves going on bike rides with dad and wearing her helmet. 

ICYMI, I have an 8 month old... I'm not sure who gave Cy permission to grow up, but he certainly is. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

36 of 52

Harper's first week of school couldn't have gone better! She loves her little class and teacher. But mostly she loves the playground.

The big boy went to his first LSU game on Saturday. He got pretty excited when the band played and had his first taste of popcorn (which he, of course, loved). 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

35 of 52

Harper is always helping. She loves to help me fold "tows" and she actually folds them well enough that I (mostly) don't have to re-fold. 

I got 24 individual hours with Cy last weekend while on a retreat. He is seriously changing so fast and I already miss my little baby boy.