Friday, November 30, 2012

Head-butts and Harper's cold

Babies.  They are sweet and cuddly and mushy for about 2 months.  Then they start lifting their heads and kicking their legs.  Head-butts and kicks in the stomach are not conducive to cuddling.  Add that to a baby that is somewhat independent and increasingly mobile and you find yourself wanting to go back to those newborn days when she literally could only lay in your arms... or you find yourself wanting her to get sick.  Wait, what? Yes.  I said it.  There is a small percentage of my heart that enjoys a sick tiny Griffin.  Sorry grandparents and those of you who think I'm heartless.  But at least let me explain myself before you get all, "oh no she didn't." Here are my reasons:

5. The humidifier acts as a sound machine.  Brilliant.  She takes awesome naps! I'm not convinced yet that it's serving its intended purpose, but who cares?
(I don't use a sound machine all the time, though I know many people who swear by them, because I try to avoid sleep props)

4. Flushed cheeks.  They're so cute and edible! Truthfully, this happens some when she's not sick and so I get a fix and she doesn't have to be ill.

3. Cherry-flavored clear tylenol.  Harper likes it and I think it's funny that she lunges for the syringe and sucks like the world is ending tomorrow.

2. Harper's mood doesn't change.  So far in her short life, her illnesses have been mild and it doesn't seem to affect her demeanor.  I think that if she was fussy or crazy, I probably wouldn't be saying any of this.

1. CUDDLES. I love when Harper just wants to lay on me.  She sometimes strokes (read: pulls) my hair and lays very still.  It's unbelievably sweet.

In actuality, I don't want her to be sick, but those things just make it bearable, I guess.  So you can stop questioning my fitness as a parent now...


Friday, November 23, 2012

Ode to Thanksgiving pt. 2

Last week for high five, I shared about my favorite foods. I hope you enjoyed a little taste of the holidays at my house.  This one will be a little bit deeper.  These are the things I'm most thankful for, in no particular order.

5. Dr. Pepper. The drink that will be in heaven. If you know me, you know I love humor. So, sorry, but I couldn't be exclusively serious.  

4. The Church.  I've learned to love the Word, the person in front of me, and the people across the world by being in the church. I love the way God uses the church to shape us and the world around us. His plan is the best plan and I've been blessed to be part of it my whole life.  Celebration, Antioch-Waco, Antioch BR: I would not be who I am today without you!

3. Family.  McBrayers, Griffins, team, old and new friends. Some we are blessed to be born with and others come beside us in different seasons. Whatever category you fall into, I am rich because of you.  You bring security and fun and refreshment into my life.

2. Jake and Harper.  How could you not love those faces?  I love that they both are so sure of themselves and know what they want.  It's helpful to an indecisive person like me.  This has been a big year for our family. One that proves to me we can do anything relying on the promises of God. I love them more everyday!

1. Grace.  I've been given the most selfless, loving, and personal gift. This gift is Jesus and He offers himself to all of us.  I am eternally and daily changed by this grace, this gift.

What are you thankful for?


Friday, November 16, 2012

Ode to Thanksgiving

Slap hands! It's high five Friday.

I love the Fall/Winter.  The weather, the clothes, the festivities! I especially love the holidays!  This week our lifegroup had a Thanksgiving feast.  This was another reminder of how much I love community.  And food.  I'm not really a foodie, but I love some good southern holiday food! There is something so right about eating dressing (stuffing, in case you're confused) and my mom's sweet potatoes. I've been known to refuse to make something, like mashed potatoes, in April because it's not the holidays... It makes sense in my sentimental head. Here are my top five favorite holiday foods.

5. Dressing. I make the dressing in my family.  My hands are the mixers. Cornbread, toast, sage, boiled egg, turkey drippings... what's not love?!? I'm not sure if I like it more raw or cooked. You can stop gagging now.

4. Layer salad. Water cress for crunch, peas for sweetness, and mayonnaise (some people accuse me of being northern for liking it...). Annnd it reminds me of my Grandma Hassell.

3. Buttermilk pie.  If you've never had this, please come to my house and have some immediately.  You will never be the same!

2. Sweet potatoes. My mom's are by far, hands down the best. I'm not hating on the marshmallow topped, but her brown sugar/pecan goodness is like heaven in my mouth. And Harper will be having her first McBrayer sweet potatoes next week. Stay tuned for how it goes...

1. Mashed potatoes. The best, most satisfying, and utterly delicious food on the planet.  I'm not exaggerating.  My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. Allison, if you're reading this, double the recipe this year!

I wanted to add canned cranberry sauce to this list, but I didn't want you to judge me. Now you know.

Maybe I should expand my list. What's your favorite holiday food?


Friday, November 9, 2012

'Merica, y'all.

Now that election season is over and it's once again safe to share my opinions on social media without getting karate chopped in the mentions, I thought I'd do it. Here's why I love America.*

6. Reality t.v.  Had you going, didn't I...

5. Air conditioning. This one is serious. Please, don't judge me.  I live in Louisiana, so it's pretty much a necessity. I like to think I'm not high maintenance, but I know I'm a lightweight in this area.

4. Diversity. So many thoughts, ideas, personalities, passions, gifts, talents, cultures and experiences. I believe this is the way heaven will be!  

3.  It's the land of opportunity. You can be nothing and then become something.  Almost anything you can dream, is a possibility.  Of course, this creates Beanie Babies and Toby Keith, but I'm not going to pour the baby out with the bathwater.    

2. Courageous men (and women).  People who believe in our country enough to fight for what they believe in. Red, blue, green, white.  I'm not saying I agree with all of them, but they are strong enough to stand up for what they think is best. They give up years of their life to lead and serve us. That is honorable.

1. There is freedom.  Countless brave men and women have laid down their lives that I might live in a country that has all these things and more. I can love and serve God without fearing for my life or my livelihood. I can vote for those courageous men.  I can create and fail and create again. I have a voice.  I can use that voice to stand for those who don't have one.  This is beautiful and hopefully a foreshadowing for Americans of the freedom found in Jesus.      

Thank you for your time. God bless you and God bless 'merica.


P.S. I love all the countries on this planet! And I'm positive that they all have equally awesome qualities, but that's for another day and another list...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy 6 Months!

It's time for the second installment of High Five! I can hear the applause all the way from Baton Rouge...
This one is dedicated to my sweet and funny 6 month old! You know what happened? I blinked.  A second ago I was trying to keep tiny mittens on an even tinier baby. Now, I'm trying to keep sweet potatoes off of all my clothes. I know you all told me this would happen, so I just wanted to make sure you knew you were right. I blinked and she is half of a year old. I'm going to try to keep my eyes open for the rest of my life.  Maybe then she won't get any older. Or something like that...
Anyway, here are the top 5 things I love about having a 6 month old

5. You get to cut in line to vote. Shaved a good 45 minutes off my wait. I need to time it to always have a baby during election years...

4. Attachment.  She loves me. She really loves me! It is so sweet that she has attached herself to me and Jake. I'm soaking it up now because I know that one day she'll have a car and be all like "later, playuz."

3. Three naps and 11 hours of sleep at night.  This is probably the pinnacle of sleep that we will get in her life. I literally thank God every day that she is such a good sleeper.

2. Singing fixes everything. Boredom. Sadness. Anger. Restlessness. All of these can be remedied with This Little Light of Mine or a good Postal Service song.  Wouldn't it be nice if this worked for adults?!?!

1. Seeing things like they are new. I get to see things through Harper's eyes every day and it makes the ordinary so much more special.  I had forgotten how funny Ruby is and how cute Jake is in the morning. Harper reminds me to find joy in the little things.  

Don't be surprised if this little lady shows up on Fridays a lot.  She's fun to talk about!

Happy November,