Friday, May 25, 2012

Hear me roar!

Due date, hear me roar!

Thursday was the day Harper was expected. But, as you may or may not know, she is a tiny little bundle of the unexpected. This last (almost) month has been full. We love being her parents and have learned so much already. So, I thought I would pass on a few of those things even though it may or may not be meaningless to you. I'll just give you a list.

1. I am still not a morning person.
I know you're probably shocked to find that I wasn't one to begin with, but if you've ever had to wake me up or share a room with isn't pretty. And it's not getting any better just because I have this sweet, incredibly cute baby to get up for. Mornings are still lame in my world.

2. Napping all the time sounds better than it feels.
I like naps. In college, my friends and I heard about this man whose sleep cycle consisted of sleeping 30 minutes every 4 hours. I thought that sounded like a good idea. It's like napping 6 times a day and you don't miss out on very much. Well, I have now experienced a sleep pattern similar and, let me tell you, that man was tired. A day full of naps is ungreat...

3. Entertainment is not necessary.
You'd think that after staring at someone who only eats and sleeps for a few weeks, one would be bored. But let me tell you, I could stare at this kid all day, every day. She never gets old. And I can't imagine what it's going to be like when she actually does something else... like talks! Or even maintains eye contact. Hours and hours of fun!

4. Purpose is captivating.
Having something (in this case someone) that gives you motivation is divine. Parenthood is not just "be fruitful and multiply." It is purpose. We have the authority and privilege of raising this world changer. We've been commissioned to care for, love, and disciple one of His children. That makes the lack of sleep and obsession with bodily functions all worthwhile.

These lessons might not change THE world, but they've sure changed MY world. And in the words of the Notorious B.I.G: if you don't know, now you know.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The mother load

Today is Mother's day. My first one. I kinda feel like I cheated though, since Harper is technically not supposed to be out here yet. But this post is not about me. It's about the other mothers in my life.
You see, I come from a long line of mothers. We all do really... But my line is exceptional. I have been blessed with not only a wonderful mom, but with incredible women who have mothered me in many ways. Let me introduce you to some of them.
First and most importantly, there is my mother, Sarah. The woman who gave me life and taught me how to live. As long as I can remember, she has made sure I know how much I was wanted and ordained by God in our family. She is the biggest servant I know, teaching me to value and honor others above myself. And thankfully for my future church, she taught me how to be a pastor's wife full of grace and humility. There are not enough ways to say thank you for all that and that is only the beginning of her impact in my life. I love you, mom!
Going backwards in line, you have my grandmother (Grandma) and great grandmother (Mamaw) on my mom's side. I spent a lot of time at their house growing up. They taught me what love and resilience can do in a person. They were strong women, but so tender and gracious. They raised my mom to be the woman she is and for that I eternally grateful.
Moving to the other side of my family, my dad's mom, Grandma. My earliest memory in life is of her putting me to bed. I spent countless hours playing board games, making crafts, and reading books with her. She taught me that when you love someone, you spend time with them and you're not afraid to be silly with them. Though she has seen many hard years, she is so sensitive to God and aware of others. I love that about her.
Next up is the newest mother. My mother-in-law, Marcia. She raised three crazy and passionate boys and did it with a smile on her face. I have the pleasure of being married to her middle son and I can attest that she did an amazing job raising him. He can laugh at anything, including himself because she taught him to never take things too seriously. And she is one of the most generous people I know. Not everyone has a great MIL, so I am beyond blessed to have her in my life.
Lastly there are women who have discipled me, knowingly or unknowingly, teaching me the values of intentional living, discipling your kids, and laying your life down for the church. They are my sister, Allison, Tracie Phillips, Blair Gulley, Elizabeth Griffin, and Carrie Bach. I cannot adequately thank these women for their investment in my life.
As you can see, today is a day of rich reminders of God's faithfulness to me. It is also a challenge to me to love and lay down my life for not only Harper, but everyone that God has placed around me. I want my legacy to outlast my life, just as these women have done.
Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I have always been a night owl. Call it genetics (like mother, like daughter), youngest child syndrome, FOMO (fear of missing out), or whatever you want, but I like to stay up late. College was great for me because that's pretty much what everyone does. Things that happen after 10pm in college: go to Common Grounds; start studying; drive to West for kolaches; start a movie; IHOP; and many others. That was the life. Fast forward to me working 12-hour shifts at the hospital and my love of late nights is replaced with a love for *hopefully* reading in bed for a few minutes before I fall asleep. At 9pm. Not so exciting anymore.
But lately I've had a revival of 2am fun. And it all started last Saturday night around midnight.
I went to bed early because I was tired from my shift and my legs were swollen (see instagram for proof) and because Jake was out celebrating a friend's birthday. When he got home at midnight, I got up to use the bathroom. And there it happened. Pop and gush. My water broke. Being an uncertain first-timer, I just went back to bed. After an hour of semi-regular contractions I thought I better time them. They were about 7-8 minutes apart. I woke Jake up at 2am and he sprung into action, calling the doc and packing a bag. I was a little more reluctant, not wanting to be that girl. You know, the one who goes to the hospital a million times because she thinks she's in labor... Turns out I was in labor. I was admitted to the hospital at about 3:15. I was only 1cm dilated, but 90% effaced. All I had to do was get to 10cm and I'd be set. We made some calls and our parents started the trek to Waco. At 4:30, I was still at 1cm, so they started me on pitocin and I said no to an epidural, in hopes of an all natural birth.
Over the next two and a half hours, my contractions got more regular (read painful), so I changed positions a couple of times and had a Popsicle. My parents got to Waco around 7. At about 7:15, I was having a mental debate about whether or not I would make it another couple of hours in this amount of pain. I decided (still in my head) that I needed an epidural. I felt delirious when, all of the sudden, I had a major urge to push. My nurse was in the room (thank God!), so I informed her I needed to push and then proceeded to do so. She told me to stop because I wasn't fully dilated, but that she'd check me. To everyone's surprise, especially my doc who wasn't at the hospital yet, I was fully dilated. Suddenly my room was a beehive of activity, everyone frantically trying to get ready for the delivery. Meanwhile, my rock, Jake, was at my head calmly helping me breathe through each contraction and holding my hand. I wouldn't have made it without him. There was no time for an epidural, but by then I didn't care. I just wanted to push! My doc arrived and after 10 minutes of pushing, Harper Ella Griffin made her debut! Though she came a little early, she is perfectly healthy (5lbs 14oz and 18 1/2 inches long) and obviously ready to take on the world.
So, now my 2am consists of quality time with my new favorite person in the world. And I wouldn't trade it for all the kolaches in West.