In one week's time, I will be back on American soil. I will be jet-lagged. I will have a dynamic month of church planting (and my first trimester!) behind me. I will be in search of the nearest Starbucks. I will have many "should haves" or "what ifs" and "wows" under my belt. I will be craving turkey and dressing and anticipating listening to my first Christmas song of the season.
But until that day, I am still living the dream. Sharing the greatest news with people who have never heard, with some of the greatest people on the planet in maybe the most beautiful place I've ever been. Our team has seen more than 30 people give their lives to Jesus! We have seen people healed of things like a dislocated ankle to a busted lip and one of our own teammates was healed of a soccer injury (that was inflicted by someone on our team...). It has been an amazing three weeks and we are believing for even more in the last few days. God doesn't just own cattle. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. And Jesus said we would do even greater things than He did. We believe we can stand on those promises and believe for more. Will you believe with us for these last few days?
Tonight I am going with two of my teammates to disciple 5-6 freshman girls in spending time with Jesus. These girls are so fun and desperately want more of God. I'll let you know how it goes!
Catch you on the flipside,